Getting Care

Visitor Guidelines

Visitation Policy

You have the right to have a support individual of your choice (spouse, domestic partner, family member, or friend) present during the course of your hospital stay, unless this individual’s presence infringes on others’ rights, safety, or is medically or therapeutically harmful.

In order to continue to provide quality, safe, Patient-Centered Care during the COVID-19 pandemic, Weed Army Community Hospital has updated the visitation guidelines effective March 31, 2021 and will continue until further notice.

Inpatient Visitation Guidelines:

  • Visitors must wear appropriate face covering at all times.
  • We encourage patients who are staying overnight or on extended stays to remain connected to their loved ones through phone or virtual video platforms.
  • COVID-19 positive patients are not allowed any visitors.

Outpatient Visitation Guidelines (to include the Emergency Department):

  • Visitors must wear face covering at ALL times.


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