Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through April 30, 2025. >>Learn More

Also, you have until April 30 to set up  your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Clinics

Dr. Mary E. Walker Center

The Mary E. Walker Center (MEWC) is a state-of-the-art facility that provides a broad range of comprehensive services to our beneficiaries and is now home to WACH Budget and Personnel services and Hospital Education & Training.

The facility is proudly named after Dr. Mary E. Walker, a graduate of the Syracuse Medical College, who went on to earn the Congressional Medal of Honor for her work as a surgeon and healer during the American Civil War. She is one of only eight civilians ever to be awarded the medal and the only woman to do so.

Department of Public Health

Public Health Nursing

Services Offered

•STI Contact Tracing and Counseling Services (Excluding treatment. Please ensure you see the ED or your PCM first)
•LTBI Consultation and Treatment Overview
•Animal Bite Investigation (Please ensure you see the ED or your PCM first)
•Communicable Disease Reporting
•CYS Consultation and Education
•Unit Level Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coordination
•Your Sexual Health, Your Responsibility (
•Health Promotion Events
•Newcomer's & Spouse Orientation Brief
•Unit Led Events

Occupational Health

Services Offered
•CPAC Coordinated Pre-Placement Occupational Health Assessments
•Annual Health Assessments for Civilian workers when required by job series
•Medical Surveillance Examinations determined by work place assessments/exposures for Active Duty and Civilian Workers
•Pregnancy Medical Surveillance for Active Duty and Civilian Workers when required by job series
•Tinnitus counseling (SM/CIV Workers enrolled in hearing conservation)
•Hearing Profiles for Active Duty
•Review of Work place hazards for any safety concerns or exposure concerns.


Services Offered
•Hearing Conservation Tests (Annual, pre/post deployments, physicals, and termination hearing tests)
•Non-Hearing Conservation Tests for new civilians, retirees, and new recruits
•MEDPROS updates for Hearing
•Start Hearing Profiles when needed
•Hearing Protection Issuing/Fitting
•Hearing Aid Batteries
•Hearing Education
•We do not provide diagnostic testing
•We do not test dependents/children

Environmental Health

Services Offered for Installation Facilities and Home-Based Businesses
•Potable water testing for microbiological and chemical contaminants
•Food service inspections of commercial and home based businesses
•Food Handler's class
•Facility sanitation inspections of Army-owned facilities
•Pest and rodent inspections of Army-owned facilities
•Disease vector monitoring
•Field water container inspections for NTC-based units
•Field sanitation classes for NTC-based units

Industrial Hygiene

Services Offered for Installation Facilities
•Worksite hazard surveys
•Worker exposure monitoring (Sampling, Noise, Ventilation)
•Management of the MEDDAC Respiratory Protection Program
•Installation support to Safety Offices and DPW
•Provide technical oversight to Yuma Proving Ground Health Clinic Industrial Hygiene

Contact Us

Occupational Health, Industrial Hygiene, Environmental Health and Public Health

Business Hours

Monday-Friday 0730-1600 (closed for lunch 1200-1300)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday closed at 1200 for Training 
Closed Weekends and Holidays



Audiology for Readiness (Hearing) 

Mary E. Walker Center, BLDG 170, Room 100
By appointment only, call or visit clinic to schedule
Walk-ins (space available basis)

Business Hours

M, W & F: 0730-1600 (closed for lunch 1200-1300)
T & TH: 0730-1200 (closed 1200-1600)
Closed weekends and holidays



Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!