Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through April 30, 2025. >>Learn More

Also, you have until April 30 to set up  your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Patient Resources

Medical Records

Release of Information - Requesting Medical Records

Service Members requesting a full copy of medical records for must submit a DD form 2870 at Outpatient Records or via email. Patients requesting their own, or their minor dependents (under 16 years of age) can complete a DD Form 2870 and return it for processing. Spouses and children 18 years and older MUST complete and sign their own DD Form 2870. Release of Information fulfills request and provides various services for continuity of care.

Request Processing

The Release of Information (ROI) office copies official medical record within Weed Army Community Hospital (WACH) to include all available MTF medical records and civilian records located within the electronic health records. Outpatient Records cannot provide copies of any MRI or X-ray imaging. For radiology imaging requests please go to the Radiology Department located on the 2nd Floor.
Dept. of Behavioral Health and sensitive records must be reviewed and cleared by a provider before release. Please allow a minimum of 30-45 days for processing. All requests for information must include the following:
• Patient's name
• Patient's date of birth
• Patient's DOD or patient’s social security number
• Period of treatment/information needed
• Statement authorizing WACH to release the records to a specific person/organization
• An address/ phone/ and fax number of the receiving person/organization
• The purpose for the release of the information
• Expiration Date
Short requests (less than 50 pages) can be processed on the spot, to include such records as:
• Lab results
• Immunization records
• Radiology Reports
• Physicals (school, sports, etc.)
• Electronic Progress/Office visit note(s)
• Appointment list
• Medication List
• EKG’s

For additional information, please call 760-383-5170

We also encourage customers to utilize the MHS Genesis Patient Portal to access all their medical record information after 22 January 2022. To register on MHS GENESIS you need to have a DOD Self-Service Logon (DS Logon) Premium (Level 2) account. Visit the My Access Center to upgrade your account.
Starting 18 January 2022, all completed requests will be sent to customers via DOD Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE). This encrypted process will allow customers to download their medical record information to any storage device and send to any other entity they may choose or for their own personal records. This new process will reduce wait times and eliminate any extra steps that may cause delays.

What is the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal

Along with the new Electronic Health Record, the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is a secure website available 24/7 that gives you access to your health information. Through the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, you can:
• View health information
• Schedule appointments
• Communicate securely with Providers
•Request prescription renewals
•View notes from your clinical visits and certain lab/test results, such as blood tests.
The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is replacing the TRICARE Online Secure Patient Portal.

What does this mean for me?

MHS GENESIS and the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal are replacing TRICARE Online, including the patient portal and secure messaging at this facility.
• If you have a current TRICARE Online account, it will migrate to MHS GENESIS. No action is necessary from you.
• If you don’t already have a TRICARE Online account, you can log onto using your DS Logon Premium Account.
• If don’t have a DS Logon Premium Account or if you have questions about DS Logon, visit the milConnect Website or call 1-800-538-9552.

MHS GENESIS Patient Portal step-by-step sign up guide


There are three prerequisites for accessing the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal

1. You need to have accessed care at a site using MHS GENESIS.
2. You will need to establish a DS Logon account by creating a username and password at the following website:
3. If you currently have a DS Logon, you will need to log-in and upgrade your account to Premium. *Please note: The process of completing the online application to establish a DS logon account takes approximately 10 minutes and some of questions may seem intrusive, but it’s to protect your information. The intent of asking for this level of information is to eliminate the chance of unauthorized access to your health information. This application only needs to be done once to establish your account. Active duty and any other personnel with a common access card, or CAC, may use that to login through the DS Logon site.
Note: All sponsors should validate “Relationship” settings to ensure spouses can select and view their dependent’s portal in their Patient Portal. To update visit:
Note: MHS Genesis Patient Portal is only available for DOD Beneficiaries
Note: Under DHA-Policy Memorandum 23-010, In general, when a parent or guardian or other person acting in loco parentis (i.e., an adult with authority to act in place of the parents) has authority to act on behalf of an unemancipated minor in making decisions related to health care, they are considered the personal representative for receipt of the minor’s PHI. In those instances (e.g., mental health care, pregnancy, care for sexually transmitted diseases) where a minor is recognized as being able to provide informed consent for their own care, typically when they become adolescents, state and federal law under HIPAA protects their privacy interests. Parents have full online access to PHI of unemancipated minors (ages 12 and under) unless limited by other applicable law or regulation. Because of this, DoD may not be able to provide full online access to parents, guardians, or other persons acting in loco parentis for adolescents (ages 13 to 17).

Establishing a DS LOGON and accessing MHS GENESIS Patient Portal

To create and then access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, please visit the DS LOGON web page.
• If you do not have a common access card (CAC) or a MyPay account, you will need to create a DS Logon account to access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal.
• To ensure MHS GENESIS can confirm your identity and provide the highest levels of cyber security and safeguards of your health information, you will be required to complete a brief verification process. You will be provided 3 minutes to complete a 4-question quiz to verify your identity. Responses may include providing your DOD ID number (found on your military ID Card), and some personal information including financial questions, past addresses, etc.
• You will create your MHS GENESIS Patient Portal password in the online registration process. A new password will need to be created every 180 days.
• Once you have successfully created your DS Logon, click on "Upgrade To Premium Account" to upgrade your account to Premium Access to view your health information.

For questions regarding DS Logon

• Visit the milConnect Website
• Contact the Defense Manpower Data Center 1-800-538-9552
• Note: When using a non-Department of Defense (DOD) computer, you may receive an error message. Click “Proceed” or “Continue” to access the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. Although you receive the error message, your MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is secure.


MHS GENESIS Patient Portal step-by-step sign up guide

Eligibility for Care

The ID card is used to validate eligibility when you arrive to Weed Army Community Hospital. All children aged ten and older, must possess a valid ID card and present at the time of registration. There are various circumstances which will require eligible children under the age of 10 to possess an ID card. You may contact the ID card section on Fort Irwin to find out the specifics regarding your situation. Care will not be denied if patient does not have an ID card. You will be required to go to Outpatient Records to complete Certificate of Eligibility for Medical Treatment. A copy will be kept in the Uniformed Billing Office (UBO) and you will be required to return with a valid ID card within thirty days. However, if a valid ID card is not presented a bill will be send to the patient or other health care insurance provider for any care rendered to a patient that is not eligible for care.
For patients wishing to update their address information please go to:

Medical Powers of Attorney

To obtain a medical power of attorney, contact the Legal Assistance Div.

Preparing to Retire or Separate

Active-duty members preparing to retire or separate should obtain copies of all medical records at least 6 months prior to their final out-processing date.
Members should return to Outpatient Records or call to submit a DD Form 2870 via email for an updated request to obtain copies (update) of medical paperwork generated after their records were initially copied. This will ensure members get a complete copy of their Active-Duty Medical record after their retirement/separation.

Archived Records

Weed Army Community Hospital maintains outpatient records for a period of 2 years after the patient’s last medical encounter (excluding active-duty military and their dependents). Inpatient records are maintained for 5 years after the date of discharge. After such periods, the records are retired to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), St Louis, MO.
Patients may obtain their retired records directly from NPRC online.
All medical records are mailed to NPRC 30 days after ETS/Retirement date. Please contact:
Or write to NPRC at the following address (es):
Active-Duty Military Records Dept of Veteran Affairs Records Management Center P.O. Box 5020 St. Louis, MO 63115
Dependent Records NPRC (CPR) 1411 Boulder Dr. Valmeyer, IL 62295

Outpatient Records Forms


Language Interpretation Support

WACH offers patients over the phone interpretation and medical document translation. Our language interpretation service is offered 24/7 with over 240+ available languages. You can request this service directly with your provider. If you need to get medical documentation translated, please come to patient administration division located at Room 3C160, 3rd Floor, WACH during hours of operation.

Contact Us


Medical Records: (760) 383-5170
Medical Records Fax: (760) 383- 5131
Legal Correspondence: (760) 383- 5166
Legal Correspondence Fax: (760) 383- 5711


Room 3C160, 3rd Floor
Weed Army Community Hospital
BLDG 390 N Loop Rd. Fort Irwin, CA 92310

Hours of Operation

Monday- Friday: 0730-1600
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday: Closed from 1200-1600
Closed for Federal Holiday and Selected Training Holidays

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!